Together, forever!
The Danes feel that eating together is part of their togetherness. But there is so much more in it. It is about doing things together with other people and this is why volunteering is so popular in Denmark (and elsewhere in the Nordics). It is also about feeling part of a net. Call it a safety net or else, this is a very strong sense that can hold people and societies together. For them, it is essential to know they can trust their friends and can rely on their support, in case of need. According to research, approximately 96% of the Danes believe they can turn to their friends in case of need. Amazing, huh?
They also feel they belong to a community that extends beyond their family and friends. If everybody they know or care about can be taken care of in good or bad times, then it is perfectly OK to give almost half of their income to the state, as taxes. And they do it happily. Research shows that almost 9 out of 10 Danes pay their 45%-52% tax rate happily. They see it as an investment in society and the well-being of all its members. Community rules!