
Thumbs up! You have just subscribed to the All Things Nordic weekly newsletter, that can change your life, forever. Really!

This happened to us too. Here is our story!

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When we first travelled to Scandinavia and the Nordics 10 years ago, we immediately felt a different way of life. Calmer, more peaceful and balanced.

It was not about the big things or policies only. Nor about the notorious welfare state only.

They were the little things from the Nordic lifestyle and culture that amazed us: from the “hygge” sessions with friends and the universal right to roam in the nature (the famous “allemansrätten”) to seeing things in a “lagom” way and practicing “sisu” to achieve your life goals and purpose.

We started reading, researching, travelling and experiencing the Nordic way of life. Then we started infusing many of its elements into our daily life.

After a while, we observed that our life had improved: mentally, physically, emotionally, socially.

Don’t get us wrong though. No place in the world is a paradise. But in the Nordics, there is overall more happiness or let’s just say much less unhappiness and dissatisfaction from life. This is something that can significantly improve our lives.

Many of us live a hectic stressed life in the Western world with little to no time and energy for ourselves and what really matters.

Others feel dissatisfied with the life at the place they live in at the moment and would like to travel or even move to the Nordics.

Until then and for after that too, we are here to send you your weekly dose of Scandinavian and Nordic lifestyle.

Delivered directly to your inbox every Thursday, you can expect to receive Nordic stories, concepts and ideas, on a wide range of topics: from people and places to lifestyle, languages and food.

Thank you once again for joining the All Things Nordic community of thousands who have already embraced the Nordic way of life.

Here is how the Nordic people say thank you!

Tak! Tack! Takk! Aitäh! Kiitos!

The All Things Nordic team