A matter of choice
Everything in life is a matter of choice (well, most of the times). By forcing yourself to set a limit on what you can buy or how much you can spend, puts you into trouble. Good trouble though. You realise you have to make more choices than before. Instead of buying two pairs of shoes, you ask yourself if you really need two pairs or just one. Instead of buying a new pair of shoes, you ask yourself if you really new shoes at the moment.
A köpstopp can even make you realise how many things you do not really need. This mindset makes you more open to getting rid of things you now realise you do not use anymore. By getting rid we don’t mean to throw away, rather repurpose them or give them to someone else who might need them. Recycling is also an option. This is the core concept behind the circular economy.
Furthermore, a köpstopp mindset lets you search for and find things or activities that you can have for free. Why buy a book when you can borrow it from the community library? Why spend another 100 $ on a fancy restaurant dinner when you can go have a picnic lunch with your family at the park.
For starters, try it for a week and let us know how you did. Begin with baby steps and expand as you see the real benefits.