More perks, more happy bosses?
This unpaid sabbatical is just one of many rights, given by law to Swedish employees. They can also take time off to take care of their kids (men and women alike) or study. They are all part of the Nordic social welfare model, that is funded by high taxation. Fair enough! This is part of the Nordic model of happiness, as all the generous benefits create a safety net for everyone. This reduces stress and uncertainty while boosting the sense of security and innovation.
Speaking of innovation, this is the main reason that bosses in Sweden don’t really mind letting their employees go and create their own businesses. Employees feel empowered to realise their dreams and are therefore happier. Swedish society appreciates anything that can contribute to the benefit of all, rather than the individual. It is totally fine to agree on doing something that can hurt your personal interests if it is for the greater good.
Maybe this is a result of the Law of Jante: all are equal and no one is better than others. Or because of the “lagom” concept: balance in everything, including between the personal interest and the greater good.
As they say, happy employees equal happy customers!