Seniors to the test!
One of the most innovative schemes has been run by the Municipality of Gladsaxe. Look how this whole system works. Grandparents must be recruited. There are therefore campaigns inthe media every now and then. Then applications are reviewed and there is a check if the seniors who applied are fit and healthy and have no criminal record. After this background check, there is also a home visit, prior to selection.
The seniors are even trained in first aid and childhood diseases. And they take part in specialsocial events to get to know the families and their kids. A carnival and picnic are on the schedule.
However, the seniors are in control. They are the ones who offer help after all. They can set their own schedule (when they are available for babysitting) and they can also declinematches with parents and their kids, no questions asked. Parents must accept that they will get help from the Reserve Grandparents only when their kids are ill. So, no babysitting asked to go out and party!
This is another example of Nordic practicality: both sides win. Parents get help and seniors become active and contribute to society. Plus, the latter socialize and combat loneliness that often comes with age and when grown-up kids create their own families.