It happens every spring. At least! When winter is over and summer is approaching we all feel the need to declutter, right? From our desk and office to our...
Living longer is a good thing, right? Science helps people live a longer and better life. We and the younger generations to come must be grateful for that. It...
Copenhagen, Denmark. You get out of your house and right in the yard of the house next door is your dear neighbour. That tall, blond (stereotyping enough) guy, who...
Hygge? Lego? Or the Little Mermaid? These are all Danish cliches. Don’t get us wrong. We love them (especially hygge). But one of the most important and groundbreaking contributions...
Oslo, Norway, 2019. Everybody pays with their mobile phones, credit cards are widely seen as old-fashioned. Norwegians read a lot and their new preferred means is their iPad or...
“Now I am going to get myself happy… Freedoooom!”. This what late George Michael sang in the 90s. And it can’t be more relevant today as well. We all...