What is the age of happiness?

Living longer is a good thing, right? Science helps people live a longer and better life. We and the younger generations to come must be grateful for that.

It is a blessing to be able to have access to care (be it physical, medical or psychological).

Research says that people feel happier the older they get. Really! They are freed from the anxiety of career, family, money or achievements.

Plus, they can still try to achieve things and live life, even if they are old.

How are older people treated in the Nordics?

They say that the Nordic countries are probably the best place in the world to grow old.

Whoa! How come? Because age is simply not a trait to discriminate people. Same as gender, religion or sexual preference.

Older or old people in the Nordics can live their life however they want. And most probably working until very old age.

Being healthy and socially active makes them continue their life, without the burdens of work, money or kids.

Here are 5 areas that the Nordics invest in, to improve their ageing population’s life:

– productivity & employment: they are respected as individuals with experience and are welcome to work, no matter their age

– well-being: they enjoy a high quality of life, with high life expectancy and general satisfaction from life

– equality: older and younger people have the same access to things like food, income and education.

– cohesion: they are supported by society, respected and valued by younger generations. Like the bonus grandmas in Denmark.

-security: they can feel protected and safe from harm, also enjoying financial security (with relatively higher income and pension wealth)

How can you benefit from older people?

Socializing and engaging with them is truly a blessing. Trust us.

Someone who hasn’t made a conversation with an older person as of late may not be able to realise this value.

Those who regularly do it (be it with their parents, other old relatives or strangers) can really appreciate the positive effect on their emotions and thoughts.

Here is how you can benefit:
– get to know what is meaningful: older people are usually more positive and grateful. That can help you realign what you believe is of value in your life, today.

– become wiser: they have learned a lot, by trial and error. So they can help you with their experience and wisdom, to avoid mistakes and take shortcuts in life.

– learn how to be truly happy: older people tend to feel happier (as they are freed from younger age’s burdens like career or children). So they can help you calibrate your goals to feel happy too.

– help & feel better: when you volunteer and interact with old(er) people, your brain gets stimulated in the areas responsible for reward (and eventually happiness).

– do good: you help the older people too. As research has shown, even a short chat of an older person with a younger one, every day, can help postpone cognitive decline.

Happy senior citizens mean happier younger people too. Happiness is something that can be passed on, the same as wisdom and experience. Be kind!